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My last two weeks as a student

All of my life I've been a student.

In two weeks, the life I have known for 18 years will end. It's pretty remarkable when you think about it. Eighteen years. Almost 80% of my life has involved some form of school - and, actually, I was in Montessori school as a toddler. So, more than 80%.

I can remember almost every feeling during a time of transition in my life, most of the feelings revolving around changing schools. From elementary to middle school, I was excited. Every TV show told me this would be the most awkward and embarrassing time, and I should be terrified. But, I was excited to continue to challenge myself in school. I knew I could succeed. Plus, most of my friends were coming with me and I liked making new friends.

The transition from middle school to high school had a bit more nervous excitement. I knew my incoming high school like it was my own house. My father was a teacher and coach, I was there constantly, and I knew many students and teachers already. But, I was still nervous because of the upperclassmen. The difference in age from a 18-year-old to a 14-year-old is enormous. The seniors were like gods, and I felt like a tiny plebeian. Playing in sports helped, and being one of four freshman in the top choir didn't hurt either. My nerves vanished quickly.

Going to college was the most anxious I've felt. I only knew a few people going to the University of Oregon, and we weren't really friends. This was the first time I was truly on my own, even if I was only 45 minutes away from home. I had some of my greatest memories at Oregon. But as my time there grew shorter, I didn't have a plan for after I graduated. Graduate school seemed like the natural progression from undergrad, so I applied. I was waitlisted at Syracuse on February 28, 2017. For 50 days I didn't know what my future would be. I was terrified. I didn't make any backup plans. I was really counting on getting into grad school.

April 18th. I received my acceptance to Syracuse. I had one extra year until I had to be worried about the next phase in my life.

Which is now.

I'm not as freaked out as I thought I'd be. Newhouse taught me that journalism is professional learning. It's being a student of the world. And sports journalism is the best version of that. I am heading into the greatest profession. (Hopefully) I'll be able to talk about/watch/be around sports all day. When I was in middle school, I didn't think this job would be a choice for me. Now I have two degrees that say I can do this professionally.

I'm no longer enrolled in a university. I no longer have to worry about grades or gpa (now taxes, health insurance, etc.).

But I still get to learn. Which is pretty cool.

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